Product Guides

Below you will find important information such as our Product Disclosure Statements and related Target Market Determination for each product.

Product Guides

The AGILE Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) includes information about AGILE’s key features, fees, benefits, risks and the complaints handling procedure.
The AGILE Target Market Determination (TMD) describes the type of customers AGILE is appropriate for, based on their likely needs, objectives and financial situation.
AGILE Lifetime Income Rates
View the Age-Based Rates and Annual Income Escalator for new AGILE investments.
AGILE Maximum Returns
View current and historical Maximum Returns for each Protected Investment Option.
AGILE  Guaranteed Minimums
View the Guaranteed Minimums for new AGILE investments.

DDO Quarterly Reporting
Dealer Group DDO quarterly reporting template in relation to complaints and significant dealings.
Allianz Retire+ is committed to supporting the Allianz group approach to ESG issues. Allianz SE is a signatory of the United Nations backed Principles for Responsible Investment.
The Allianz Retire+ Financial Services Guide (FSG) explain the financial service(s) offered, the fees charged and how Allianz Retire+ deals with complaints.

Future Safe PDS update (5 Oct 2021)
The Future Safe Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) has been updated due to changes to the internal dispute resolution process.
Future Safe PDS
The Future Safe Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) includes information about the product’s key features, fees, benefits, risks and the complaints handling procedure.
Future Safe TMD
The Future Safe Target Market Determination (TMD) describes the type of customers Future Safe is appropriate for, based on their likely needs, objectives and financial situation.
Future Safe Caps and Rates
View current and historical Caps and Rates for each Future Safe investment option.

AGILE PDS (6 March 2023 - 23 November 2023)
The AGILE Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) includes information about AGILE’s key features, fees, benefits, risks and the complaints handling procedure.
Future Safe PDS (12 March 2019 - 12 February 2021)
The Future Safe Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 12 March 2019 includes information about the product’s key features, fees, benefits, risks and the complaints handling procedure.
Future Safe PDS updated  (6 May 2020)
An update to the Future Safe Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 12 March 2019, including information in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Call or email us for assistance.

Any information on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. For personal financial advice please speak to your financial adviser. Products will be issued by Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited, ABN 27 076 033 782, AFSL 296559. PIMCO Australia Pty Ltd, ABN 54 084 280 508, AFSL 246862, provides investment management and other support services to Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited.

Allianz Retire+ is the business name of Allianz Australia Life Insurance Limited. By using this website you agree to access this Financial Services Guide.